Dr. Kris Merkel to speak at 55th Annual AOC International Symposium & Convention

Dr. Merkel is the President and CEO of S2 Corporation, who has done RDT&E work with the DoD for the past 15 years, via the Army, Navy, Air Force, DARPA, and IARPA. The focus has been on electronic support applications, and signal processing for radar, communications, PNT, and analog and data processing at high performance metrics that are otherwise prohibitive for conventional electronics. Dr. Merkel and team have advanced the TRL of the approach, and performed in several DoD field test, and are working for insertion and adoption of the wideband signal processing approaches for DoD applications. Dr. Merkel won the 2014 AOC award, the Jerry Sowell Radio Frequency Award, for EW research.

Speaking: November 27 - "Foundations of Battlespace Awareness"