October 2, 2017
EMS Situational Awareness & Command & Control with Wideband Sensors & Data Analytics.
S2 Corporation recently received an award from the National Spectrum Consortium for contract NSC-16-1100, titled "EMS Situational Awareness & Command & Control with Wideband Sensors & Data Analytics" in the amount of $13,590,382.
The objective of this effort is to meet the significant challenges of present and future military systems to fully capture and analyze in near real-time, broad segments of the electromagnetic spectrum (EMS) to provide full EMS situational awareness to spectrum operators and command and control (C2) centers. This is accomplished using high performance broadband EMS sensors and powerful data analytics developed on this project to sense, monitor, and analyze a broad range of the EMS in real-time. The networked sensors will disseminate EMS situational awareness (thousands of full spectrum assessments per second with extensive data analytics) as real-time actionable information, allowing C2 centers, communication systems, Electronic Warfare (EW) systems, and other spectrum dependent systems to act, adapt, and respond rapidly and effectively to dynamic EMS environments.
Additional collaborators on this effort include BAE systems, CU Boulder, Montana State University, and NEID.
More information at: